Statement Necklace Board Straight Out of Pinterest

I spent the last week taking some time off to relax before starting a new job, and set myself a long list of projects: visiting my grandma, making homemade veggie burgers, taking a bunch of spin classes, and finding a better way to store my statement necklaces (mushed in a tangled pile isn’t a great one). I knew I wanted to hang them somehow, but since cork boards are ugly I decided to pretty one up. The result is this super easy storage method that looks really pretty too.
Incredibly easy to make, GORGEOUS way to display and store your statement necklaces
Statement Necklace Display & Storage Board

square piece of cork board (designed in the back to be hung on the wall)
piece of thick paper in design of your choice, at least 4 inches bigger in both directions than your cork board
glue stick
decorative push pins
necklaces (most of these are from JCrew/Factory)

Take your glue stick and cover the whole of your cork board in glue. Carefully lay paper (centered) over it, smoothing as you go. Cut a diagonal line in overhanging paper at corners. Working one side at a time, glue side and back of cork board and carefully fold paper around edges of board, cutting and tucking at corners, so that board appears completely wrapped. Let dry at least one hour.

Stick pushpins along the top of your board at even intervals. Lay board on a flat surface and decide what order you want to display necklaces in (I recommend alternating bulky and more delicate ones) first. Remove necklaces, then hang board on your wall (mine came with screws but I just used two nails, a hammer, and the leveler in the compass app on my iPhone). Carefully hang necklaces from pins, and behold your handiwork.

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